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Monday, October 17, 2005 

Hung Up on Madonna

Madonna is set to "conquer the world" once more with a massive promotional push for her new album Confessions on a Dancefloor. She is returning to the genre that made her famous..dance music. After the lackluster performance of her last album, which was musically uneven to say the least, she has embraced her inner disco-diva. The single, Hung Up is "officially" on the air today and I am sure that we will all have the hook laden lyrics running through our brains in no time. That's the genius of Madonna's songwriting.

I discussed this last night with some kids I met at an art opening. On command, they were able to sing the chorus from Madge's new song based on the ringtone. The thirty second preview is all you need to hear, in order to sing-along when you hear the actual song. Madonna tunes have that about them. She keeps the melodies simple and the lyrics precise so, even in the first listen, you can sing with her by the end. Pure pop genius, sugary and simple.

It is already predicted that Madonna's use of the ABBA sample (from Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!) will garner the group it's biggest hit ever. And there is also the tour documentary I'm Going To Tell You a Secret, directed by Jonas Akerland, which will play on MTV later this month. Of course, there will be a video and who knows what else in terms of promotion. Another Oprah appearance...

I am down with the return of Madonna. After all, someone has to show Ashlee, Lindsey, and the rest, how it is done.