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Thursday, July 06, 2006 

Snakes On A Poster

Alright, kids. This is the teaser poster for the upcoming Samuel L. Jackson epic called Snakes On A Plane. If I have to explain what the movie is about, what's the point? All the information you need is there.

This poster is iconic and brilliant, serving up exactly what you would expect. But now it seems that the official "final" artwork for the movie poster has leaked onto the web. (Thank you to the folks over at Snakes On A Blog.)

My first impression was: Whoa! Nice 70's style exploitation flick poster. I actually have quite a fetish for these. Check out Trash: The Graphic Genius of Xploitation Movie Posters, it's a fabulous coffee table book, sure to start conversations about guilty pleasures and the nature of exploitation flicks in general. Anyway, at first I was down with the poster, until I started to look a little closer.

Where are the motherf*cking snakes?

You made a movie called Snakes On A Plane and didn't put any motherf*cking snakes on the motherf*cking poster?

What the f*ck is wrong with you people?

No one is going to see this movie because it will have screaming blond chicks, or freaked out pilots, or well lit overhead compartments!

We want to see this movie because of Samuel L. Motherf*cking Jackson and a bunch of goddamn deadly ass killer SNAKES ON A MOTHERF*CKING PLANE!!!!

Even the dumbass poster for Black Cobra is better than that. Sure, they substitute a python for a cobra (and a bra!) but at least they had the good sense to put a SNAKE on it!

And what's up with that tagline?
Sit back. Relax. Enjoy the fright.

What about these:
Sssstill the ssssafest way to travel... or

Available seating near the tail... or

In the event of an emergency, SCREAM!

Anyway, I'm still gonna see it no matter what the poster looks like.


I love pulp fiction cover art. The xploitation flick posters reminded me of them. I wonder if there is a coffee table book out there full of pulp fiction art.... if not, maybe we should put one together :)

PS the snake bikini cracks me up. Very Beastmaster

Mellowlee- I'm afraid they have beat us to the punch, several times over. PULP CULTURE is a good one, if you are into that sort.

I used to have a snake bikini, but dammit, I can't find that thing anywhere! ;)

Pulp Culture! I want it I want it. Too bad I spent way to much money in the book store last weekend *sniffle sob*

Oh, I wondered about that movie a while back and I thought maybe it had been released and the hype just sorta died out. Jesus Christ, they started the hype early, didn't they?

But I agree, the top poster is cool.

Actually, I believe the "hype" started when SOAP posted something on the net about submitting music for the soundtrack... And once internet geeks heard about "Snakes On A Plane"... Well, let's just say that no marketing person could have predicted the amount of free publicity that SOAP is getting from dweebs like me.

Lookie what I found on YouTube! http://mellowlee.blogspot.com/2006/07/all-your-snakes-are-belong-to-us.html

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